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    election integrity 結果共10筆

  • China refutes military link to Taiwan airspace incursions

    China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Wu Qian, dismisses the record number of balloons released into Taiwan’s airspace as meaningless hype and denies military involvement. Wu lambasts the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities as a tactic to provoke cross-strait confrontation, claiming it is destined to fail. He reiterates that Taiwan’s election is China’s local affairs and that the DPP cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Wu firmly asserts that Taiwan is a part of China and that the international community adheres to the one-China principle. He declares that the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and that Taiwan’s legal status as part of China’s territory has never changed. Wu emphasizes that Taiwan will never be a country, Taiwan independence is not possible, and external forces’ plot to split China will never succeed. He pledges that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity as a "Great Wall of Steel."
    2024/01/25 17:09
  • Taiwan Premier Chen addresses election integrity concerns

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses concerns over election integrity, stating that flaws in the electoral system do not undermine the legitimacy of poll results. Chen acknowledges public skepticism regarding irregular vote counts, but assures that errors have been rectified and had minimal impact on outcomes. He also warns against disinformation campaigns aimed at influencing Taiwan’s democratic process and urges the public to remain vigilant against false information. Chen emphasizes the importance of safeguarding Taiwan’s hard-earned democratic environment.
    2024/01/19 15:48
  • Taiwan sees high voter turnout for key elections

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of Taiwan’s Election Day, characterized by high voter turnout and active participation from major political figures. Delve into the complexities of securing a parliamentary majority and the efficient vote-counting process, upholding the democratic integrity of the elections.
    2024/01/13 13:54
  • KMT candidate’s wife clarifies building ownership

    Jen Mei-ling, wife of Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, clarified that a building being claimed as their own is actually a legacy from her father and not part of Hou’s property. The building has become a topic of discussion in the upcoming 2024 elections due to its high rent and proximity to Chinese Culture University. Jen stated that the property has over 50 vacant houses, which will be used to provide rent subsidies for low-to-moderate-income families and young students through donations. After the leases expire in June 2026, the plan is to convert the property into social housing for the youth and communal accommodations for rent. Initially, the building was leased and managed by Shin-Kong Life Real Estate Service Co., Ltd., with rental prices determined by Shin Kong Life Insurance. Jen announced that the vacant apartments will be subsidized for young families with an annual income of less than NT$1.33 million and a per capita monthly income below NT$56,000. Existing tenants can also apply for the subsidy, with rates of NT$6,400 for single rooms and NT$7,000 for two-person rooms per month. In her public letter, Jen addressed the accusations, highlighting Hou’s integrity during the election process and apologizing for the family issue.
    2023/12/27 15:10
  • Hsiao Bi-khim advocates for DPP majority in legislature

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of the DPP holding a majority in the legislature to ensure continuous progress for Taiwan. Speaking at a women’s support group event in Tucheng District, Hsiao highlighted her past achievements, including signing the inaugural agreements of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. She also mentioned that talks to prevent double taxation with the U.S. are nearing completion, which will enhance bilateral trade relations. Hsiao stressed the DPP government’s commitment to establishing friendly and commercial ties with the international community, urging a broader perspective beyond the focus on the 1992 Consensus. She expressed confidence in the foreign policy direction under President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration and the potential for a Lai-Hsiao team to continue this diplomatic route. Hsiao emphasized the symbolic significance of drawing number two in the election draw, representing integrity and steady advancement, and portraying the elections as a testament to Taiwan’s democratic strength. She reiterated the importance of a legislative majority for the DPP to implement stable and progressive policies, reducing resource drain from cross-party conflicts.
    2023/12/12 13:26
  • Justice minister stresses fairness for 2024 Taiwan elections

    Minister of Justice Tsai Ching-hsiang has called for increased efforts from investigators, police, and intelligence agencies to combat bribery and prevent foreign interference in the 2024 elections. During a visit to the Keelung District Prosecutor’s Office, Tsai emphasized the importance of maintaining the fairness and integrity of the electoral process. He encouraged prosecutors to work together to create a judicial environment that inspires trust and visibility. Tsai highlighted the need to "block foreign powers from meddling in the election," "eliminate the influence of gambling on electoral outcomes," and "put an end to the disruption caused by fake news." Active investigations are crucial to ensuring fair and just elections. Tsai also discussed the formalization of the system for assistants to prosecutors and money laundering involving cryptocurrencies with prosecutors.
    2023/12/07 17:48
  • TPP defends Cynthia Wu’s asset declarations amid scrutiny

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign chief of staff Vivian Huang has defended TPP vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu’s personal asset declarations, stating that they followed legal protocols. Huang emphasized the need for evidence if there are any suspicions regarding Wu’s declarations. This response comes after media personality Huang Yang-ming raised concerns about possible discrepancies in Wu’s asset declarations, suggesting that she neglected to report her spouse’s assets. Huang clarified that Wu’s declarations of assets last year were in strict adherence to legal requirements. The Central Election Commission (CEC) recently approved the qualifications of candidates for the upcoming presidential and vice-presidential elections, including those from the Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and TPP. The CEC also released the financial disclosures of the candidates, bringing scrutiny to Wu’s declarations. As the election draws near, transparency and integrity have become vital issues for voters.
    2023/12/06 14:48
  • Jaw Shaw-kong vows active role as VP in KMT election bid

    KMT vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong vows to be a vocal advocate for issues if elected. He emphasizes the critical choice between war and peace in the upcoming 2024 election and urges voters to support the KMT for political integrity and cross-strait peace. Jaw appeals to KMT supporters to concentrate their votes for a hopeful future and peaceful cross-strait relations. He highlights the complementary strengths of his partnership with KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, with a focus on different regions. Jaw criticizes the DPP for exacerbating cross-strait tensions while promising no war. If elected, he plans to reinstate the Special Investigation Division to probe potential corruption issues related to the procurement of masks, vaccines, eggs, and submarines.
    2023/11/25 17:10
  • TPP’s Ko rejects KMT Hou’s call for poll reevaluation

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) campaign manager Vivian Huang rejects Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih’s proposal to reconsider polling results. Huang emphasizes the importance of integrity and unification, stating that reevaluating the data would undermine the previous expert meeting. The primary objective is to present the strongest candidate and convince supporters of a fair race. Ko Wen-je questions the rationale behind redoing the evaluations, expressing confusion over the KMT’s approach. Hou suggests appointing polling experts to debate and reassess the nine previous polls.
    2023/11/22 11:43
  • Terry Gou urges support for presidential race on Facebook

    Terry Gou, an independent presidential candidate in Taiwan, is calling for public support in the upcoming election. With only six days left to collect enough signatures to secure a spot on the ballot, Gou has been absent from the public eye for six consecutive days. In a Facebook post, he outlined his political philosophy centered on "peace," "prosperity," and "integrity," claiming to embody the spirit of a venture entrepreneur who values professionalism, organization, and fearlessness. Gou aims to build a Republic of China representing these principles and warns of potential chaos if no changes are made to the current power structure. He has set up signature collection stations across Taiwan and encourages the public to share his posts and invite friends to endorse his campaign.
    2023/10/28 17:53
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